... which means that I probably Just missed out on being able to add it to the mcklinky thingy for ABC Wednesday ... because it is now closed ... we were up to the letter J last week ... and it is now nearly this Wednesday (which Kind of means I need to think of something for K ... if I actually get around to writing a K post, that is)
I WAS going to do a J post about something I have been crocheting ... I even took photos for it - but I have not put the photos onto the computer yet ... so I decided not to do that one until later ... they should actually work better as an M post anyway (it will make sense when I actually write that post - lol)
I guess I have Just been a bit busy ... and Just a bit distracted by other things when I do come in here - been reading bits of a few other blogs and stuff, and a few things in posts on some of the yahoogroups I am on ... seems a lot of people are/have been talking about Journalling, and/or about blogging ... and why they do one and/or the other ... and I have been thinking about why I blog, when I never was the sort of person to keep a diary, and I am not even that good at keeping a visual diary for all my textile art ideas and stuff ... but I guess my blog is my Journal - in fact that is kind of why I started blogging - I was writing all sorts of odd stuff in e-mails I was posting to a few yahoogroups I am on (quilting and crochet related ones mostly) and I was raving on about either how I did things I had done, or what I thought about various stuff ... and I realised that a blog would be a good place to put all that kind of stuff all together in one place ...
... so I started this blog ... and put a few of the things here (some of my earlier posts about the 2003 bushfires and stuff, for example) ... and I still have not got around to putting a few of the other things here ...
... but I have been blogging about all sorts of odd stuff and have had fun doing it ... but I Just never seem to get around to posting as often as I would like to ...
(which was half the reason for Joining in the ABC Wednesday thing ... the other half was that it sounded like fun - and it is ;-)
Trouble is - when life gets busy I don't always have time to post, so sometimes I have a really good idea for something to post about (either for ABC Wednesday, or about something I have done/seen/whatever) and I "write" a really good blog post in my head (well - maybe it is actually only "really good" in my head, and would actually be boring if I wrote it?! lol) ... but I never actually get around to typing it in here and posting it!
I also realised, while walking home from work today (first time I have done that, but probably should do it more often - trouble is - work and home are not that close to each other and it took me almost 2 hours! ... but I did take LOTS of interesting photos - lol) ... er - where was I? - oh - I realised, while walking, and thinking, and taking photos of odd things - that another version of journalling for me is taking photos!
er ... I actually "wrote" some of this post in my head while walking home this afternoon ... but at the moment I think my "train of thought" seems to have been de-railed ...
(so ... in the interest of getting OFF the B#$%&^%^& computer and doing the other stuff I have to do - I am not even going to read through this before I post it ... so too bad if there are any typos/etc or if it doesn't actually make sense ... it doesn't have to - it is MY Journal/blog - LOL)
that, and I really do have other things I should be doing right now - like hanging up a load of washing, putting on another load of washing, unhanging the dry load of washing I hung up last night ... and a bit of picking stuff up/putting away/etc ... and I never even started the other stuff I WAS going to do before DH gets home from work (which could be anytime now, seeing he arrives home at about this time or a few minutes later) ... so I guess I had better post this and go and start doing all those other boring things I have to do ...
John C. Campbell Folk School Class
4 days ago