mud cracks often do
(this is actually part of a dried up puddle that I found while I was walking the dog)
goodnight ...
This is a rather messy blog. Sometimes I post fairly often, and sometimes I don't ...
That's it for the "normal" pets ... "but wait, there's more" ... lol
I also have some pet stick insects!
... there are 2 different species in there (Children's stick insects and Tropical stick insects - both are native to Australia, and both eat Gum leaves - so they are easy to feed ;-) and the males and females look different, so do the juvenile ones ... probably all a bit too confusing to try and explain who is who in the photo ... lol
and, the other reason I decided to post stuff here at this hour of night is because ...
I just posted this (below) to a crochet list I am on ... but it belongs here too (it went to the crochet group first because it started out as a reply to something on that ... but it kind of grew ... LOL)
Janice said
> Whatever I choose, I will need to keep the cats
> away so that I don't get their fur caught in it!
Almost all of my crochet projects are made with very special exclusive yarn - a mix of acrylic (and/or wool/cotton/whatever) and the hair of 2 cats and a dog, and sometimes even one of my hairs too ...
btw ... an odd mix of yarns and even the odd hair or 5 doesn't matter with what I am working on at the moment ... I am doing some scrumbling
I also came up with another idea, for another scrumbly thingy I want to make, this evening - after work today I went to a Teacher's workshop thingy at Questacon (I'm not a teacher but they let science assistants go too
(for those that don't know what a slinky is I just did a google search
disorganised in Dunlop
... who found the "double" of one of my cats on "The Crochet Dude"s blog! (his cat is at http://thecrochetdude.blogspot.com/2005/05/bookmarks-r-fun.html and I just put a pic of mine at http://www.geocities.com/aykayem/blogpics/Spook.jpg
That photo is now in here too ;-)
... not exactly the same, but at a glance one could be mistaken for the other)
hmmm *andrea's mind wanders* ... if I got a ball or 3 of yarn, and mixed it up with a rather playful kitten/cat ... and maybe got in and helped with my crochet hook ... I could create a "transient scrumble" and call it "crochet scrumble with cat"
... I think I had better go get some sleep before I get too weird!
(oops - too late?)
Oops - the thingy I had here died ... (the one below still seems to work though, but I don't think either of them have actually made me any money yet ...)
... this one probably works ... I wonder if anyone will click on it? does anyone click on the adds? (I guess someone does or they wouldn't still be a thing - lol)