I was going to post this a week or 2 ago but I got side-tracked doing something else and kind of never got there ...
I had been looking at www.jennybowker.blogspot.com (which I try to do fairly often) ... actually what I was mainly looking at was all of her photos on flickr (she puts a few photos on her blog and if you click one of those it usually takes you to a pile more on her flickr thingy) ... and what I was going to post, a week or 2 ago, was a copy of my comment that I left there ... it is on this post (if you are observant you might notice the typo in there, that I corrected before I copied it into here ;-) ... of course there are most likely more typos/mis-spellings/etc that I didn't correct - LOL)
Why am I copying a comment that I put on someone else's blog here? - because it is about how the photos inspire me with quilt ideas - LOL
Here is what I said ...
Wow ... as always - very interesting reading ;-)
- I have just been looking at the sets of photos
Those round things (in the set with the slippers) are interesting ... not sure if they are bowls or bags or hats or what - but i really like them!
The doorways/arches/etc - they all look good on their own, and also all the little thumbnails together make an interesting effect - a few quilt ideas there? LOL
Hmmm ... 8 or 9 of those arches/etc and 3 or 4 of the exteriors would make a very interesting set of quilt blocks!
... actually some of those archway photos, with arches within arches within arches reminds me of what i was reading somewhere online the other day, about the droste effect (named after some Dutch brand of cocoa where the box had a picture of someone holding a box of droste cocoa with a picture of someone holding a box ... etc)
The last set of photos - the interiors - a few quilt ideas there too!
- all that red ... it kind of looks like a cross between redwork and who knows what else - and i like it!
... gee I wish I had the time and money to travel to all those places!
(oh well ... maybe the lotto ticket DH bought today will win ... one can always dream ;-)
Unfortunately we didn't win Lotto ... sigh ...
... so I still have to go back to work at the end of this month (I go back a few days before the kids go back to school)
I need another 6 months holiday - I still have the rest of that sorting out to do ... I still have to put that fabric IN to it's new cupboards/etc ... and I still have a pile of boxes of stuff to sort out - half finished projects and the bits I dragged out for those, and for stuff I actually did finish, and all those silly fiddly bits that I don't quite know how to catagorise and sort into various piles ...
(for example - does one put elastic lace in with the elastic, or the lace? LOL ... actually that is probably the only one I did have an easy answer for - in with the elastic because I don't have a lot of that so it will be easier to find ... but the shiny gold elastic trim stuff that I bought to maybe use on crazy quilts/etc ... well actually I bought it because I liked it and it was weird and interesting ... do I file that in with my crazy quilt embelishments/etc ... or in with the elastic, which is mainly just boring old clothing elastic, where I will probably forget I have it when I dig out my stuff for crazy quilting/etc? - LOL)
aaahhhhrrrrgggghhhh!!!!!! - no wonder I am so disorganised! LOL
Bead Felted and Flat Tapestry Crochet Workshops
17 hours ago
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